Calpoly Pomona Persian Society

Calpoly Pomona Persian Society

Friday, May 28, 2010

Beautiful Iran

Beautiful IranSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
Have a look at these beautiful pictures from our Iran. بسیار زیباست و حیفم اومد که با بقیه تقسیمش نکنم. از مناظر و طبیعی و آثار تاریخی ایران
به امید دیدار دوباره ایران آزاد به زودی برای همگی
Iran panorama
View more presentations from saieban.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

We did a great job!

We did a great job!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
And we did a great job, good job everyone for your fabulous cooperating and thanks to our guests and parents for their more-than-expected attendance and support of our cultural show in Calpoly Pomona.
Thanks Dr.Abedini for your endless support, each and every time, of our Persian Society.
And finally one more thanks to all Persian Society members without whom we couldn't have this beautiful annual gathering.
Raha and Sharzad (president & Vice-president of Persian Soceity) we all appreciate your dedication to this event and your 3-week prior scheduling for the event.

Good luck eveyone,,,
See you all soon ;)

و بالاخره ما انجامش دادیم، به بهترین نحو ممکن و همگی خوشحالیم که امسال هم جشن سالانه دانشگاهمون با کمک همگی بچه ها به خوبی و خوشی انجام شد.
تشکر از همه بچه ها و مخصوصا کمک های دکتر عابدینی برای اینکه همیشه در کنار ماها بوده و خواهد بود

یه سری عکس از برنامه (تمام اون چیزی که من تونستم از پشت صحنه از این و اون بگیرم و مابقی رو هم وقتی همه عکسها به دستم رسید آپلود خواهم کرد). امیدوارم که به همه خوش گذشته باشه و به خاطر تاخیری که در شروع برنامه داشتیم هم از همه عذر میخوایم.

درضمن که از فرشاد بابت پذیرایی و خرید و کارای تدارکاتش هم باید تشکر کنیم.

دکتررضایی به همراه دکتر عابدینی

بچه ها گروه تئاتر منتظر اجرای قسمت سوم برنامشون

فرشاد و کیا مشغول پذایرایی مهمونا با آش رشته داغ

اتاق گریم گروه تئاتر به همراه شهرزاد و رها

بازم بچه ها به همراه سروش و آریا

اینا دارن از کی عکس میگیرن؟

عکس یادگاری آخر برنامه به همراه همگی بچه ها و دکتر عابدینی

Final Rehearsal

Final RehearsalSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
Hours before our original event started everyone was rehearsing and especially our live music performance team was trying hard to show the their best.
Our play are doing their final rehearsal before the the original program.

تمرینات آخر بچه ها قبل از اجرای اصلی نمایش و همینطور برنامه فرهنگی.
هرکسی داره یه جایی کار میکنه، کمک میکنه یا اینکه یه چیزی رو سر جاش نصب میکنه برای اینکه همه چیز برای ورود مهمونا ساعت 6 آماده باشه.
گروه اجرای موسیقی زنده وهمینطور گروه تئاتر هم که دیگه دارن تمرینات آخرشون رو به همراهی نور و صدا انجام میدن. همه تقریبا گریم هاشون رو پوشیدن و همه چیز آماده اس.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Cultrure show is around the corner!

Cultrure show is around the corner!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend
Less than 24 hours to go !!
The Culture Show is almost here, we're all excited to share this memorable night with you. Just be sure to be here on time, the show will start exactly at 6 pm on Saturday May 22nd.

Can't wait to see you all there!!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tapesh and the Persian Culture Show

Tapesh and the Persian Culture ShowSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Tapesh TV has agreed to come and film parts of your culture show and show it on air. Because of this, lets try to make this event as memorable as possible.
This is a good opportunity for us, Persian Society members, to show who we really are :)

Let's make it an unforgeable night for everyone.

Bring your friends, family and yourself.....

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Rehearsal for cultural show

Rehearsal for cultural showSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Arya and Soroush are playing their instruments (Piano & 3-tar) and rehearsing for our cultural show on May 22nd.
Good luck guys :)

Good job Soroush, keep up the good work

بچه ها در حال تمرین کردن برای اجرای برنامه روز شنبه دانشگاه.
دم همگی گرم.
امیدواریم که همگی رو ببینیم و حسابی همه گل بکارن.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

4th Annual Persian Culture Show

4th Annual Persian Culture ShowSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Hello everyone,

The Persian Society of Cal Poly Pomona presents the 4th Annual Persian Culture Show at Cal Poly Pomona.

The Culture Show is going to be on Saturday May 22nd, and it starts promptly at 6pm.

This event is at the Recital Hall (Music Building, 24).

Come and join us for a memorable night filled with live music, dances and Persian delicacies.

Hope to see you all there.

Monday, May 17, 2010

About Calpoly Persian Society

About Calpoly Persian SocietySocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

The PERSIAN SOCIETY AND CULTURE, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (PSAC) is a nonpolitical, non-religious, nonprofit student organization whose objective is to foster and serve the community of Iranians in California State Polytechnic University of Pomona, and to promote an understanding of Persian culture, to help foster friendship among different cultural groups in the surrounding community.